You would love some family photos, but... How do I choose a photographer? How much will it cost and is it worth it? What would we wear? Why sunset? Will my kids be able to hold it together?

Every parent knows that getting even one nice photo of your kids can be hard, let alone a whole photoshoot worth! Thankfully a lot of photo sessions these days are based outside and designed to be a mix of posed and candid photos. This means that kids aren't just sitting still or try to behave the whole session they get to have fun too, which often produces the most beautiful and meaningful images. As photographers and parents we have definitely found the kids that are hardest to photograph are our own, because as all parents know the people who your kids will push the boundaries with the most is you. Having someone who new and fun to engage with them can make a huge difference in how cooperative kids are. A professional photographer is going to have tried and tested play prompts and poses to make sure that the photos are beautiful while capturing the little personalities of your little family. Normally you're trying to get your kid to listen from behind the camera but in a session you are in front of the camera having fun with your kids! There is nothing more beautiful to capture than the special relationship between parents and their kids. A professional is also going to know what locations work well and how to use the light to make your photos something truly special that you will treasure for years to come!

There are lots of different photographers out there and they all seem to be offering different things for different prices. Every photographer has a different style, from the way they use light, the way they get subjects to pose or not pose, editing style, what they get people to wear and the way they run their sessions. You will find that almost every photographer says in their contract that they will produce work similar to their portfolio so a great way to see if someone is the right photographer for you is check out their portfolio. Things that we looked for when we were looking for a family photographer were genuine smiles, meaning the photographer was making the session fun, natural, true to life editing and portfolios where every family wasn't wearing essentially the same thing because we wanted our kids to wear clothes that they were comfortable in and that reflect who they are. Having a bit of an idea of some things that are important to you before you start the search can help you find someone that will suit your family and what type of session and photos you are after.

Figure out what product you want; digital, prints, both and how many. Part of the reason pricing varies so much is that packages vary also. Some photographers only deliver digital images, some only do prints, while some do both. Don't feel like you have to go one way or the other, figure out what you want and then engage someone that delivers what you are after. Photography is an unregulated industry, which means people can essentially charge whatever they want for whatever product they want. This means that pricing can be very confusing and difficult to compare, especially when there can be lots of add on fees to make the packages seem cheaper than they actually are. Every photographer no matter their pricing structure wants their clients to be happy with the service they receive, so don't be afraid to ask the photographer for an exact quote and what it includes and this should clear any misunderstandings up.
And there is of course the age old question of why do photographers cost so much for just an hour?! Because what you are paying for is much more than just an hour. It includes scouting out the location beforehand, admin, editing, equipment, knowledge, experience and general cost of running a small business.
So where to from here? Figure out what you want you family photos to look like, what your budget is, find the photographer that fits your family and go capture some beautiful family memories!